• Rodrigo Leão
  • 23 December, 2021

Casa da Música concert postponed to April 3

Uguru, in close agreement with the artist Rodrigo Leão and Casa da Música, hereby announces the postponement of the concert scheduled for 26th December. This show will take place on April 3rd 2022, also at Casa da Música.

According to the rules now announced, which impose tighter deadlines for Covid-19 tests, for a spectator to have access to the concert initially scheduled for 26th December he would have to take a test on 24th or 25th December, dates in which, as it is public, the testing centres will be closed. Thus, and having as a primary concern the public’s well-being and the maximum comfort under the circumstances, Uguru, the artist and the Casa da Música institution itself decided to change the concert date. The tickets already bought are valid for April 3rd.


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