

(2004 by SONY Music)

About the album The peak. With Ryuichi Sakamoto, Beth Gibbons, Rosa Passos or, among others, Sónia Tavares (from the group The Gift), Rodrigo Leão gathers a new audience without losing the one that has been by his side since day one. A explanation for such na acomplishment can be found within the music itself, that shows [...]

About the album

The peak. With Ryuichi Sakamoto, Beth Gibbons, Rosa Passos or, among others, Sónia Tavares (from the group The Gift), Rodrigo Leão gathers a new audience without losing the one that has been by his side since day one. A explanation for such na acomplishment can be found within the music itself, that shows a broader scope, a wider view of the world and a growing sophistication. And the guests on the álbum appear due to the recognition that Rodrigo gets from his peers. The music, more mature and reflecting a growing ambition of translating what people feel, conquers new publics all over the world. And the songs are the true secret here: «Rosa», «Lonely Carousel», «La Fête». Each one with the whole world inside.