

(1996 by SONY Music)

About the album This álbum by Rodrigo Leão has been described as hypnotic, maybe because it reaches a perfect and delicate equilibrium between the electronic textures of Rodrigo’s synthethisers, the classic instruments that surround him and the voices that chant latin texts and that sound like they come from another time. On his second álbum [...]

About the album

This álbum by Rodrigo Leão has been described as hypnotic, maybe because it reaches a perfect and delicate equilibrium between the electronic textures of Rodrigo’s synthethisers, the classic instruments that surround him and the voices that chant latin texts and that sound like they come from another time. On his second álbum of originals, Rodrigo had already discovered his own inner voice and let it flow into our ears in pieces like «In Memoriam» or «O Corredor» that show an intrincate melodic sense that allows us to see films that only exist inside our heads.